DevOps Industry Forum

16th March 2022
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London

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The DevOps Industry forum is a one-day event aimed at professionals that are looking to join with their peers for a day networking and interaction.

The DevOps Industry forum, held at the gorgeous Millennium Gloucester Hotel London on 16th March 2022 will see some of the industry’s leading lights present dynamic speaking sessions, highly interactive workshops and clinics, as well as cutting-edge keynote speakers, and case study presentations.

In addition to the exceptional content being delivered The DevOps Industry Forum will afford decision makers the opportunity to learn, understand and explore some of the industry’s latest products & services. There will be an opportunity to case-study client presentations, clinics, and an interactive exhibition.

This format of the forum allows key influencers the opportunity to understand the latest technology trends & best-in-class products and services, available to them, with a view of solving key business issues thus enabling them to move their organisations forward.

By attending the DevOps Industry Forum delegates can make faster, more informed decisions regarding challenges and problems which, will help them move their businesses forward, thus saving time and increasing ROI.
All coupled with the benefit of some of the industry’s leading minds delivering exceptional speaking session and workshops in a format conducive to success.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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